Sunday, March 31, 2013

Report: Saudi Arabia may try to end anonymity for Twitter users

Saudi Arabia may try to end anonymity for Twitter users in the country by limiting access to the site to people who register their identification documents, the Arab News daily reported on Saturday.

Last week, local media reported the government had asked telecom companies to look at ways they could monitor, or block, free internet phone services such as Skype.

Twitter is highly popular with Saudis and has stirred broad debate on subjects ranging from religion to politics in a country where such public discussion had been considered at best unseemly and sometimes illegal.

Early this month, the security spokesman for Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry described social networking, particularly Twitter, as a tool used by militants to stir social unrest.

The country's Grand Mufti, Saudi Arabia's top cleric, last week described users of the microblogging site as "clowns" wasting time with frivolous and even harmful discussions, local newspapers reported.

"A source at (the regulator) described the move as a natural result of the successful implementation of (its) decision to add a user's identification numbers while topping up mobile phone credit," Arab News reported.

That would not necessarily make a user's identity visible to other users of the site, but it would mean the Saudi government could monitor the tweets of individual Saudis.

The English-language daily and sister paper to the Saudi-owned pan-Arab Asharq al-Awsat newspaper did not explain how the authorities might be able to restrict ability to post on Twitter. Both newspapers belong to a publishing group owned by the ruling family and run by a son of Crown Prince Salman.

Internet service providers are legally obliged to block websites showing content deemed pornographic.

One of the big investors in Twitter is Saudi Arabian billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a nephew of King Abdullah who also holds significant stakes in Citi Group, News Corp and Apple through his Kingdom Holding Company.

The country's telecom regulator, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) did not immediately responded to requests for comment on the report. Last week it did not comment on the report it was seeking to restrict Skype use.

A spokeswoman for Kingdom Holding said Prince Alwaleed was not available to comment.

"There are people who misuse the social networking and try to send false information and false evaluation of the situation in the kingdom and the way the policemen in the kingdom are dealing with these situations," said Major General Mansour Turki, the security spokesman, at a news conference on Mar 8.

At a separate interview with Reuters this month, Turki argued that a small number of supporters of al Qaeda and activists from Saudi Arabia's Shi'ite minority used social media to stir wider sympathy for their goals and social unrest.

However, he also argued against banning the site.

Two weeks ago one of Saudi Arabia's most prominent clerics, Salman al-Awdah, who has 2.4 million followers on the site, used Twitter to attack the government's security policy as too harsh and call for better services. He warned it might otherwise face "the spark of violence".

Two leading Saudi human rights activists were sentenced to long prison terms this month for a variety of offences including "internet crimes" because they had used Twitter and other sites to attack the government.

Some top princes in the monarchy now use Twitter themselves and Crown Prince Salman, King Abdullah's designated heir and also Defence Minister, recently opened an official account.

(Reporting By Angus McDowall; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Balloon Juice ? Blog Archive ? Friday Recipe Exchange: Pet Treats

jeffreyw pet treats jack
Jack bravely volunteers to test the final product. Photo by JeffreyW

From our Food Goddess, TaMara:

While I was debating between two topic requests for this week?s recipe exchange, a commenter at Balloon-Juice sparked a whole new idea. Pet Treats. So I asked for some ideas and those became tonight?s post. Thanks to ButchF, MattR, WereBear and JeffreyW for the ideas.

First from JefferyW ? Cheddar Cheese Biscuits (recipe here)

And MattR gave us the recipe he uses for Peanut Butter Treats (recipe here)

Then I decided cat lovers needed equal time, so I contacted WereBear of Way of Cats, and asked for her advice on cat treats. Here?s what she told me:

Aw, so sweet of you to think of me and the kitties. Now that?s parity!

However, while dogs are gourmands, cats are fussy gourmets. So I can?t guarantee happy consumption. In fact, [here is] Why Cats Are Fussy (read here) ?. because not all cats are going to like all things.

That said, here is my recipe for Chicken Liver Pate for Kitties:

1 cup chicken livers
2 tbsp butter or bacon fat
sprinkle of catnip (or parsley, sage, or basil, if cat likes the smell)

Classically, pate includes onions, but these (and all bulbs!) are toxic to cats.

Melt fat in pan, and saute livers JUST until ALMOST done. Do not overcook or the pate will lose its silky texture. Then sprinkle the herbs of choice. (Test them via smell on our kitty, or kitties. A sharpening of attention is a good sign; aversion will be quite evident.)

Now cool a bit (livers will finish cooking here) and scrape all contents onto a cutting board (if chopping by hand) or into a blender or food processor. If our cat likes chunky, hand mincing is easy and quick; if our cat likes smoothness, we can blend.

Be sure it has cooled to being only warm before offering it to our cat. Part of the fun is making a fuss over how good it smells. Get them worked up! This is Dinner Theatre.

Leftovers can be dabbed onto a sheet of waxed paper or into ice cube trays and put in the freezer for an hour or so. Then they can be put into a freezer bag for easy treats next time.

So good, and so good for them!

Now I have to figure out how to explain to my cats that garlic is not good for them, because they go after anything I have that is extra garliky. Silly felines, garlic is for everyone else.

How about it? Do you make your own pet treats? Have any favorite recipes you want to share? But what I really want are lots of pet stories, because I know you have them! Hit the comments.

Now on to the featured recipe. This all started because ButchF said he makes dog biscuits every week for his dogs and they won?t accept anything else. I, of course, asked him to share the recipe.

Just a few notes from me ? all my dogs have been allergic to corn ? we?d get bad digestive issues. So if that?s the case for your furry critters, go ahead and substitute brown rice flour or oat flour for the corn meal in this recipe. It may very well change the texture, so experiment with the amount of substitution, just remember as ButchF notes, you want to be able to roll it out. As long as you can roll it out, it should be fine once you bake it. These are dog treats people, not gourmet crackers you are serving to company. Dogs will eat just about anything including cat droppings, horse apples and light bulbs. As long as the final product does not crumble onto your floor before they can wolf it down, you?re probably good.

On to the recipe. From ButchF:

Dog Biscuits

This recipe has been modified pretty extensively from the original, which I found in an old cookbook. First, the original included boiled, pureed liver, which not only made the cookies perishable but meant handling boiled, pureed liver. Second, the original used so much water that the dough looked like pancake batter, and couldn?t be rolled out or cut.

There is a disadvantage to these treats. A while ago I got busy and bought some commercial milk bones because I didn?t have time to make the treats. The dogs would take them each to their designated snack spot, drop them on the floor, and stare forlornly at this strange foreign object they had been given.

Some optional additions to the recipe include ? cup or so wheat germ, ? cup brewer?s yeast, or some grated cheese. Do not, unless you feel like cleaning the carpet, add bacon grease or leftover gravy.

2 or 3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon yeast
1 tablespoon or so honey (I don?t measure)
1 or 2 teaspoons salt
1 or 2 teaspoons bullion (powdered; the cubes won?t dissolve in the dough)(optional; also can use flavor packet from Ramen noodles)
2? cups warm water
1 cup powdered milk
1? cups oatmeal
2 cups corn meal (see TaMara?s note above)
3 eggs
2 cups whole wheat flour (don?t substitute rye flour, because it behaves differently than wheat flours)
At least 3? cups white flour.

Adding water and eggs first to the bowl first, combine all ingredients except white flour in a bowl, and then add white flour a cup at a time and mix well (best using a heavy-duty stand mixer). More than 3 1/2 cups of white flour may be needed. The goal is a smooth, cohesive dough that cleans the sides of the bowl and can be handled fairly easily, but don?t get it too dry or it becomes impossible to roll out.

Remove from bowl and let rest, covered, about a half hour; the goal is to let the gluten relax more than it is to allow the dough to rise. Divide the dough into four pieces and roll out each on a well-floured surface into a large rectangle to about pie crust thickness.

Transfer to parchment-lined cookie sheets and cut into rectangles to whatever size using a wheel pizza cutter. (I use four cookie sheets to bake; two are big enough that they take up most of an oven rack, and two are small enough that they will fit together on one rack, so that all three racks in the oven can be used.)

Bake at 300 degrees for about 55 minutes, rotating the sheets top to bottom and front to back at least once during baking; remove from oven and cool on the cookie sheets. Don?t cover until they?re thoroughly cool.

These cookies are at least a weekly chore with my four big dogs, so I don?t try to make shapes other than rectangles. If you do want to make shapes, transfer the rolled dough to the cookie sheets and then cut out the shapes, because otherwise the dough tends to stretch.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to tonight?s recipe exchange. And just a brief public service note from me. If your dog or cat has digestive issues, hot spots, chews or scratches incessantly, loses an excessive amount of hair, or their hair has a bad texture (too dry or too oily) these can all be signs of a corn allergy. Especially with breed dogs it can be bad. I learned this the hard way, with Great Danes and Greyhounds, all very big dogs to have to deal with these issues. (shudders from the memory)

This was before it was easy to find pet foods without corn, so I made my own. It wasn?t easy or pretty, but it solved all of their issues. Thank goodness you can find good quality food without corn now. My cats are on a corn-free diet, too and the shedding and fur balls are down to a minimum. So if your favorite furry critter is suffering from any of those issues, my (not meant to be a substitute for a veterinarian) advice it so start by getting rid of corn and corn meal. Maybe even go to a very basic lamb/brown rice food to see if helps. Some dogs (not naming names, Miss Shelby) can even be allergic to all grains. And grass. Some flowers. Possibly my ex-husband. So it may take some experimenting.


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CA-NEWS Summary

North Korea readies rockets after U.S. show of force

SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea put its missile units on standby on Friday to attack U.S. military bases in South Korea and the Pacific, after the United States flew two nuclear-capable stealth bombers over the Korean peninsula in a rare show of force. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed off on the order at a midnight meeting of top generals and "judged the time has come to settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists in view of the prevailing situation", the official KCNA news agency said.

Attempt to end Italy crisis stalls, president mulls next move

ROME (Reuters) - Center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani has failed in his attempt to find a way out of Italy's political deadlock and President Giorgio Napolitano will now seek another solution, the president's palace said on Thursday. Bersani reported back to Napolitano on Thursday night after being given a mandate almost a week ago to see if he could muster enough support to form a government after the inconclusive election in February.

Iran, North Korea, Syria block U.N. arms trade treaty

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran, Syria and North Korea on Friday prevented the adoption of the first international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade, complaining that it was flawed and failed to ban weapons sales to rebel groups. To get around the blockade, British U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant sent the draft treaty to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and asked him on behalf of Mexico, Australia and a number of others to put it to a swift vote in the General Assembly.

U.S. debates how severely to penalize Russia in human rights spat

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a controversy underscoring continued stresses in U.S.-Russia relations, Obama administration officials are debating how many Russian officials to ban from the United States under a new law meant to penalize Moscow for alleged human rights abuses. The debate's outcome, expected in about two weeks, is likely to illustrate how President Barack Obama will handle what critics say is a crackdown on dissent in Russia and set the tone for Washington-Moscow relations in the president's second term.

Mortar kills 15 at Damascus University, Syria says

BEIRUT/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Fifteen Syrian students were killed when rebel mortar shells hit a Damascus University canteen on Thursday, state-run news agency SANA said, as attacks intensified in the center of the capital. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition monitoring group, said a mortar killed 13 people at the university, without saying who fired the bombs.

South Sudan says 150 killed in battle with rebels

JUBA (Reuters) - More than 150 people have been killed in a battle between South Sudan's army and insurgents in the eastern Jonglei state, officials said on Thursday. The African country's army earlier this month launched an offensive against rebels led by David Yau Yau in Jonglei where the government hopes to search for oil with the help of France's Total.

Kenyatta apologizes for judges gaffe before Kenya poll ruling

NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya's president-elect, whose victory is being challenged in the Supreme Court, apologized on Thursday for seeming to dismiss the judges as "some six people" who will "decide something or other". Uhuru Kenyatta, who also faces trial at the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity over post-election violence five years ago, made the remarks - which went viral on social media - while consulting allies at a resort.

Beleaguered Hollande to reach out to nation on TV

PARIS (Reuters) - With his approval ratings and most of his economic pledges in tatters, French President Francois Hollande will try to convince a disillusioned nation on television on Thursday to keep faith in him to restore the economy to health. Hollande will be grilled in a 45-minute interview on France 2 television, his first such appearance in several months, in a studio whose backdrop and lighting have been prepared by his media team to create a somber mood.

U.S. nominates Breedlove as top NATO commander

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama nominated U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove on Thursday to become NATO's top military commander, a key role as NATO aims to wind down an 11-year-old combat mission in Afghanistan that has tested the resolve of allies. Breedlove, whose nomination was widely expected and endorsed by ambassadors from the 28 NATO allies, would succeed Admiral James Stavridis as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe. His appointment requires U.S. Senate confirmation.

Analysis: Gay marriage rights may carry bigger U.S. tax burden for some

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a federal law defining marriage as between a man and woman, the newfound rights for gay married couples may bear something not so welcome - a bigger tax burden. That's because with equality, gay couples will face the same tax woes of many heterosexual couples with similar incomes, including the tax hit known in America as the marriage penalty.


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Eva Mendes Needs To Stare At Ryan Gosling's Face More

Let's be honest: We make a point of looking at Ryan Gosling as much as possible. Whether he's on the red carpet, the big screen or sitting right in front of us, it's easy to get lost staring at his handsome face. That's why we've noticed that Gosling's character in The Place Beyond The Pines has a dagger tattoo dripping a drop of blood right below his left eye.


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He Is the NRA (Balloon Juice)

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Scientists create robo-ant colony

On its own, each robot would 'just get lost' but as a colony they can navigate

Scientists in the US have built and tested robotic ants that they say behave just like a real ant colony.

The robots do not resemble their insect counterparts; they are tiny cubes equipped with two watch motors to power the wheels that enable them to move.

But their collective behaviour is remarkably ant-like.

By being programmed simply to move forward toward a target and avoid obstacles, the robot colony finds the fastest way through a network or maze.

The secret, the researchers report in the open access journal Plos Computational Biology, is in their ability to take cues from one another - just like an insect swarm.

"Each individual robot is pretty dumb," said Simon Garnier from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, lead researcher on the study. "They have very limited memory and limited processing power."

"By themselves, each robot would just move around randomly and get lost... but [they] are able to work together and communicate."

This is because, like ants, the robots leave a trail that the others follow; while ants leave a trail of chemicals - or pheromones - that their nest mates are able to sniff out, the robots leave a trail of light.

Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

You don't need something as complex as choice to get some of the behaviour you see in ants?

End Quote Dr Paul Graham University of Sussex

To achieve this, the researchers set up a camera to track the path of each robot. A projector connected to the camera then produced a spot of light at regular intervals along their route, leaving a "breadcrumb trail" of light that got brighter every time another robot tracked over the same path.

Dr Garnier explained: "[The robots each] have two antennae on top, which are light sensors. If more light falls on their left sensor they turn left, and if more light falls on the right sensor, they turn right."

"It's exactly the same mechanism as ants."

The researcher explained how both the robots and ants worked together, describing their navigation skills as a "positive feedback loop".

"If there are two possible paths from A to B and one is twice as long as [the other], at the beginning, the ants [or] robots start using each path equally.

"Because ants taking the shorter path travel faster, the amount of pheromone (or light) deposited on that path grows faster, so more ants use that path."

Learning from nature Continue reading the main story


  • There are an estimated 20,000 species of ants in the world
  • Ant colonies have structured social system, with different castes - worker, soldier, queen and drone - all of which carry out specific tasks for the colony
  • Ant colonies are sometimes referred to as "superorganisms" because ants appear to operate as a single entity

There are many other research and engineering projects that take inspiration from nature to solve problems or design robots, as Dr Paul Graham, a biologist from the University of Sussex, explained.

"The classic example," he said, "is the way in which we design information networks to move packets of data around.

"Ants don't have someone in charge telling them where to go, so you can [mimic this].

For instance - in a complex network, there may be a junction with different possible routes that packets [of data] could take. Packets would leave messages for each other at the junction to give information about which routes were quick."

This, he explained, is the basis of an algorithm called ant colony optimisation which has already been used in telecoms networks.

And although Dr Graham doesn't see an immediate practical use for these particular robotic insects he says the study demonstrates an important and interesting piece of biology.

"Lots of animal behaviour gets described using words like 'choice'.

"This shows that you don't need something as complex as choice to get some of the behaviour you see in ants.

"And these things look pretty cool, too."


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Gucci Mane And Waka Flocka Will 'Never' Do Music Again

'I greet fans; he punches fans. It's a difference,' Waka Focka tells 'RapFix Live' in response to his fallout with Gucci Mane.
By Rob Markman, with reporting by Sway Calloway

Waka Flocka Flame on "RapFix Live"
Photo: MTV News


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Friday, March 15, 2013

Grizzlies beat Clippers for 14th win in 15 games

Los Angeles Clippers' Chris Paul (3) drives past Memphis Grizzlies' Mike Conley during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Los Angeles Clippers' Chris Paul (3) drives past Memphis Grizzlies' Mike Conley during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Memphis Grizzlies' Marc Gasol, of Spain, reacts to a foul call on Los Angeles Clippers' Lamar Odom during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Los Angeles Clippers' Blake Griffin (32) is defended by Memphis Grizzlies' Marc Gasol, left, of Spain, and Zach Randolph during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Los Angeles Clippers' Ronny Turiaf misses the ball during the first half of an NBA basketball game against the Memphis Grizzlies in Los Angeles, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Memphis Grizzlies' Tayshaun Prince, top, dunks as Los Angeles Clippers' Chauncey Billups watches during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

(AP) ? Marc Gasol scored 21 points, Tayshaun Prince added 18 and the surging Memphis Grizzlies beat the Los Angeles Clippers 96-85 on Wednesday night for their 14th victory in 15 games.

Mike Conley had 17 points and 11 assists, and Zach Randolph scored 13 points as the Grizzlies hung on in the fourth quarter of back-to-back games for their sixth straight victory. Memphis followed up last night's road win in Portland with a tenacious effort against the Clippers, who have lost three of five.

Memphis (44-19) is percentage points ahead of Los Angeles (45-21) for third place in the Western Conference, although the Clippers are the Pacific Division leaders.

Chris Paul had 24 points and nine assists, and Blake Griffin added 22 points for the Clippers, who won the clubs' first two meetings this season.

Associated Press


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Flying With a Dog and Other Pets

It?s easier to plan travel for two legged family members than those with four legs.? Yet, this isn?t a good reason to leave our loved ones behind while we travel the world.? With preparation and a few tips, you can take the hassle out of flying with a dog.

Many of these tips apply to other pets that you?ve adopted into your family.

Large View of Flying With a Dog

Should she get to enjoy the vacation too? Credit

Options for Flying With a Dog

Airline prices vary between $100 and $500 to arrange for your pet?s arrival at your travel destination.? The method your pet travels also has a factor in the price.

If your pet is small enough and secured in a kennel, you?re permitted to carry-on your pet and stow it under your seat.? Keep in mind that the average airline seat is 17? L x 12.5? W x 8? H.? Your pet will be counted as part of your carry-on baggage limit.

Another option is to check your pet, which means your furry friend is considered luggage.? You?ll pay a one way fee for this service at time of check-in.? Note: some airlines require you to recheck your pet at each connection.

If you?d prefer to have a more dedicated service to your pet, you?re able to ship your pet as cargo.

Don?t worry.? It?s not as bad as it sounds.

Your pet is loaded on your flight and available within hours of landing.? The shipping process is a more secure since it requires a reservation.? This prevents you from trying to check your pet and realizing that the cargo hold?s pet limit has been reached.

Preparing for Flying With a Dog

If you decide that you don?t want to carry your pet on with you, there are a few things you?ll have to prepare for.

A Month Before Your Flight

Book early to get a direct flight.? This helps alleviate the need to recheck your pet during connections.

Flying with a dog requires them to spend lots of time in a kennel.? Let your pet get used to being in the kennel when you?re not around.? Taking your pet on car rides while in the kennel will prepare them for similar movement while on an airplane.

Also, feeding your pet while inside the kennel is good practice for the flight.

If you have an airport nearby, take your pet to the airport and allow them to get a feel for crowds of strangers, loud noises, and new smells.

At bedtime, rub a soothing relaxing oil (e.g. camomile, jasmine or lavender) inside the kennel.? On the day of the flight, this familiar fragrance will help sooth and relax your pet.? Alternatively, you can put a recently worn shirt in the kennel to give our pet a familiar scent while they fly.

Make sure your kennel is up to airline standards by ensuring the kennel:

  • Is large enough for your pet to sit upright without it?s body touching the top.? It must also allow your pet to turn in a full circle and lie down comfortably.
  • Material isn?t collapsible or designed to collapse.
  • Has a metal door.? Plastic doors and locks aren?t allowed.? Generally, it?s not a good idea to lock the kennel in case your pet needs to be removed in an emergency.
  • Has ventilation slits on all sides.
  • Wheels are removed or taped in place.
  • Has something absorbent on the bottom, like newspaper or a towel.? Don?t bother with the organic stuff like hay or wood chips.? They aren?t allowed.
  • Has two separate feeding dishes.? One for food and one for water.? The dished should be securely attached to the kennel and personnel should be able to access them without opening the door.

Two Weeks Before Your Flight

If you?re shipping your pet as cargo, make your reservations up to two weeks before the flight.

Make sure your pet has identification tags with updated information.

One Week Before Your Flight

Have your veterinarian examine and issue your pet with a health certificate within 10 days of flying.? These certificates last for 10 days, so if your trip is lengthy, you?ll need have have your pet re-examined before the return flight.? Ask your vet for a recommendation in your destination area and book this appointment in advance.

The Day of Your Flight

Add two hours to the time you?ll need to arrive at the airport to make sure you have enough time to complete the pet check-in process.? Check the weather of your departure and arrival locations.? Pets aren?t allowed to fly in the cargo hold during extreme hot and cold weather (usually under 10 degrees F and over 85 degrees F).

Feed your pet at least four hours before the flight, and avoid feeding them after this.? Some airlines will require you to certify that you?ve fed your pet.

Exercise your pet before the flight so they?re tired and can rest during travel.? Bring along a few of your pets toys to make time in the kennel more comforting.? Don?t make a fuss when you have to leave your pet.? They?ll sense a difference and may feel anxiety over your departure.

Use this checklist for final things before you leave home:

  • Have a recent picture of your pet in the event that he?s lost and needs to be identified.
  • Depending on the length of you flight, you?ll need to provide airport personnel with feeding instructions and food.
  • Mark contact information and back-up contact information on the inside of your kennel.? Label the outside of your kennel with the word ?Live Animal? and an arrow showing which side is up.? Also, indicate if the animal is poisonous.? All letters should be over an inch tall.? Although sedation/tranquilization isn?t recommend at high altitudes, you have to indicate any medication and time administered on the kennel.
?A Few Other Things On Flying With A Dog

If you?ve served our Country, thank you.? Be sure to ask about the U.S. Military discounts offered by most airlines.

Many variety of snub-nosed animals aren?t permitted to fly on some airlines because their noses make it difficult to breath.? These include Persian, Himalayan, Bulldog and Pug breeds.

Pets should be old enough to fly.? Airlines require a pet be between 8-10 weeks old and able to eat alone.? Mothers animals are usually prevented from flying with their children.

Dogs aren?t allowed to travel with cats ? no matter how well they get along at home!

Exact requirements vary by airline, so be sure to contact them for specifics.

Do you have any more recommendations for keeping pets happy while flying?


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What do American bullfrogs eat when they're away from home? Practically everything

Mar. 14, 2013 ? American bullfrogs are native to eastern North America but have been transported by people to many other parts of the globe, and other parts of North America, where they have readily established populations and become an invasive alien menace to native ecosystems. In the largest study of its kind to date, the stomach contents of over 5,000 invasive alien American bullfrogs from 60 lakes and ponds on southern Vancouver Island were examined to identify the native and exotic animals that they had preyed upon.

The study was published in the open access journal NeoBiota.

Over 15 classes of animals were reported from a total of 18,814 identifiable prey remains, including terrestrial and aquatic insects, spiders, crayfish, fish, frogs, salamanders, newts, snakes, lizards, turtles, birds, and small mammals. The study examined the stomach contents of adults and juveniles of all size-classes, but excluded tadpoles. These results show that bullfrogs will attack and consume virtually any organism that is within reach and can be swallowed, including their own species.

Previous studies on bullfrog diet have examined relatively small numbers of stomachs from a comparatively small number of lakes and ponds. Our results reinforce the general consensus that there is good reason for concern about the ecological harm that uncontrolled populations of American bullfrogs might have, or are having, on populations of native species.

For decades, bullfrogs have been transported and released around the world by prospective frog-farmers, pet owners, game managers, recreational fishermen, biological supply houses; and even by entrants in frog jumping contests. They adapt readily to a variety of habitats from the tropics to temperate zones and once established, their numbers grow fast with each adult female producing about 20,000 or more eggs per year. For these reasons, American bullfrogs are internationally recognized as one of the 100 worst invasive alien species in the world.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Pensoft Publishers. The original article is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Kevin Jancowski, Stan Orchard. Stomach contents from invasive American bullfrogs Rana catesbeiana (= Lithobates catesbeianus) on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. NeoBiota, 2013; 16 (0): 17 DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.16.3806

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Women feel pressed to work more as economy finds footing: report

By Susan Heavey

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal employee Leslie Shah went back to work just after her second child celebrated his first birthday, one of a growing number of American mothers who are choosing full-time work since the economic downturn.

"It really came down to a financial decision," said Shah, 44, who lives in Maryland just outside Washington. "Gas prices are up, my grocery bill is up."

More American women are feeling pressed to work a greater number of hours even as the country emerges from its economic doldrums. A Pew Research Center Report released on Thursday found nearly one in three Americans mothers last year said they would prefer a full-time job, up from one in five in 2007.

Lead researcher Kim Parker cited the 2007-2009 recession as the likely factor behind the findings, adding that fewer women said they wanted to work full time before the downturn.

"I doubt that that's because that's what they really want, but that's what they really need to provide for their families," Parker said in an interview.

Pew's findings, based in part on its survey of 2,511 adults nationwide in late 2012, came amid renewed public debate about working mothers in the United States.

Former U.S. State Department official Anne-Marie Slaughter, put working moms back in the spotlight with a magazine article last summer on "Why Women Still Can't Have It All." In the fall, Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer announced she put in a full day's work two weeks after her baby was born, then banned telecommuting a few months later.

The debate intensified this month with Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg's new book "Lean In" pushing women to take on leadership roles. [ID:nL1N0C544V] One woman who did that, former Lehman Brothers chief financial officer Erin Callan, lamented in the New York Times on Sunday never having taken the time to have children.

The uproar stirred by the female executives opened wounds about privilege, choice and class divide. Critics said that for American women who are not well-paid top company officials, there is often no choice in the matter - they have to work - and the debate over style and leadership is all but moot.

According to Pew, women struggling with money, especially single mothers, were far more likely to desire full-time jobs.

About half of women who struggled financially said working full time was ideal, compared to about 31 percent of those who said they live comfortably, the nonpartisan research group's report said.

In 2012, about half of single mothers said they would rather work full time, up from 26 percent at the start of the recession, Pew found. In comparison, the number of married mothers who wanted full-time jobs remained flat.

That rings true for Phoenix, Arizona, mother Limpo Bokasa, who works as a medical case manager while raising her 7-year-old twin daughters on her own.

"You're spent emotionally, physically and spiritually for your children. You're running on empty," she said. "What I make for work is not enough to cover all my bills. ... You have to know just how to stretch every paycheck."

But for others, working also means independence and professional satisfaction.

Kendra Jochum, a 33-year-old mother of two boys, aged four and one, was buying a new house in Maryland when she and her husband found out they were having a baby girl. They welcomed the surprise pregnancy, but it brought worries about child care and her job as a social worker if she took a long leave.

"I enjoy work. I don't want to give that up," Jochum said.


The recession, which hit more traditional male jobs such as those in construction, in many cases flipped the economic burden and turned mothers into breadwinners.

Both mothers and fathers said they are equally stressed about work-life balance. Overall about half each say it's very or somewhat difficult, according to the Pew survey, which had a margin of error of 2.2 percentage points.

A wider look at men and women's roles over the last few decades shows the gender gap has shrunk as women work more and fathers take on a greater share of housework and child care.

Fathers spent 17 hours taking care of chores and children per week in 2011 compared to about seven hours four decades ago. Still, that is about half the 32 hours now spent by mothers.

"There's been this convergence of gender roles, but there's still this big gap," said Pew's Parker, herself a mother of two.

Another gap - that between the ideal and the reality - shows when it comes to kids: just 16 percent of parents overall said it was ideal for mothers with young children to work full time. Most said mothers working part-time or not at all would be better.

"That's the whole thing that society really hasn't come to terms with yet, the economic realities versus what is best for a young child," Parker said.

(Editing by Doina Chiacu)


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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ken Fallin: Dick Vitale and Cinderella

It was an interesting week for drawing. I did this big drawing of the new Broadway production of Cinderella for, and a drawing of famed sports announcer/commentator, Dick Vitale for the Opinion Page of this weekend's Wall Street Journal.

I began my association with the WSJ in 1995. My late agent, Mary Larkin, got me an assignment to draw some sports figures for an article. I am not a sports fan, and know very little about sports, but this was a nice thing to draw for the WSJ.

I did the assignment, which resulted in drawing nothing but sports figures for the next two years at the WSJ.

Sometimes, being ignorant can work to your advantage.

The drawing of Dick Vitale was fun. He has a great and expressive face, with wonderful features.
I am especially inspired by eyes. A lot of caricaturist go for the nose, but the eyes do it for me. If I can capture the eyes of a certain subject, I feel like I'm on third base, ( and I do know that expression).

My weekly drawings for are usually limited to only a few characters, due, in part, to time restrictions. However, the musical of Cinderella had so many important characters, I spent extra time and created eight figures for this drawing. I'm exhausted, but happy to know that this week I'm drawing the one woman show, ANN, about the late Ann Richards.




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Maximize Your Happiness By Following These Self Help Principles

The easiest way to succeed with personal development strategies and applying them to your own life.

Keep notes on your progress by being more organized. You may find it easier to achieve your goals if you tackle small things first.

Begin a fund for emergencies.This fund will help out in the short and long term because debt continues decreasing.

Do you consume more alcohol more than you should? Do you make a habit of smoking or do anything else that is harmful vices? Your body is what you live in every day and therefore consideration for its well being should be treated with the utmost respect.Eliminating bad habits can be a very essential if you want to improve your life. Take an honest look at your life to see where you can make changes.

We are but a cog in the scope of this universe. Everyone should be willing to learn from everyone else. Keep this in mind and remember to stay open to new whenever you can. Keep an open mind and you will find that others can teach you.

You can teach yourself how to deal with tough situations in your life without losing your cool. Take some time each day to stop and take breaths.

Focus on changing just one thing about yourself at a time. Perhaps you wish to improve several things about yourself, but focus on just one at a time.

Stress is an enemy of the biggest road blocks to happiness. Stress causes both a physical and an emotional toll on your body. In order to achieve our goals, the stress in your mind must be destroyed. Take some time out of your day to sit down and clear your head. This time can make you feel more peaceful.

You will make dramatic progress in your self improvement once you accept that you still have a lot to learn and development.

Write yourself a pep talk for yourself. Take a small sheet of paper and write down all the things that you like about yourself. Carry this list with you at all times, and refer to it when necessary. You can even record yourself reading it or make a video.

You have to determine exactly what you want and accept the change in order to grow.

You will miss many opportunities to develop personally if you avoid making the right decision regarding self improvement. You shouldn't fear making a decision, even if you feel that you do not have all the information. Even decisions are valuable because you still learn from the experiences they give you. A bad choice will help you choose the right path next time.

Take a trip with a friend to a movie. You will be out and about but not have to talk a lot or even see who you're with most of the time.It will also allow you to get used to being in a crowd.

Taking some moderate risks could be the key to your path towards happiness. Many people do not like to take chances because they don't want to feel like a failure, or feeling rejected, so they are often stuck in comfort zone that leaves them feeling unfulfilled. Taking risks requires a lot of courage, which is what's needed to help guide you on a path of happiness.

Research the methods other people became successful. You can avoid both personal and business mistakes by knowing the trials that others have done in your situation. Knowing that other people have already been learned will positively affect your self improvement.

You can't make everyone happy, and accept that you will never be able to please everyone. This does not mean privileging your happiness to a fault, not that you should sacrifice other people's happiness for the sake of your own. If you make sure that what you do is true to yourself and your ethics, you will be better prepared to develop yourself more fully.

Now you can see why many people do not make much progress on personal development - it takes work! With the right mindset and support, you can gain invaluable life lessons from your personal development journey. Use the above tips to get started on the road to success.


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Maduro leans on Chavez's charisma for popularity

Nicolas Maduro raises his fist as he dons the presidential sash after he was sworn in as Venezuela's president at the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, March 8, 2013. Maduro was sworn in Friday as Venezuela's acting president, against the objections of the political opposition who said the move violated the country's constitution. Late President Hugo Chavez designated Vice President Maduro as his successor before he died Tuesday of cancer. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

Nicolas Maduro raises his fist as he dons the presidential sash after he was sworn in as Venezuela's president at the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, March 8, 2013. Maduro was sworn in Friday as Venezuela's acting president, against the objections of the political opposition who said the move violated the country's constitution. Late President Hugo Chavez designated Vice President Maduro as his successor before he died Tuesday of cancer. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In this image released by the office of Mexico's Presidencia, Venezuela's Vice President Nicolas Maduro, left, holds a replica of Simon Bolivar's sword next to the flag-draped coffin of Venezuela's late President Hugo Chavez during the funeral ceremony at the military academy in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, March 8, 2013. Chavez died on March 5 after a nearly two-year bout with cancer. (AP Photo/Presidencia de la Republica de Mexico, Daniel Aguilar)

Supporters of Nicolas Maduro watch on a giant screen outside the National Assembly the ceremony in which he is sworn in as Venezuela's acting president in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, March 8, 2013. Maduro was sworn in Friday against the objections of the political opposition who said the move violated the country's constitution. Late President Hugo Chavez designated vice-president Maduro as his successor before he died Tuesday of cancer. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Nicolas Maduro speaks as he leaves the National Assembly after he was sworn in as Venezuela's acting president at the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, March 8, 2013. Maduro was sworn in Friday as Venezuela's acting president, against the objections of the political opposition who said the move violated the country's constitution. Late President Hugo Chavez designated vice-president Maduro as his successor before he died Tuesday of cancer. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Supporters of Nicolas Maduro cheers outside of the National Assembly after he was sworn in as Venezuela's acting president in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, March 8, 2013. Maduro was sworn in Friday as Venezuela's acting president, against the objections of the political opposition who said the move violated the country's constitution. Late President Hugo Chavez designated vice-president Maduro as his successor before he died Tuesday of cancer. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

(AP) ? Nicolas Maduro so far has led by imitation, seeking to fill the shoes of a president whose uncanny vigor, mischievous humor and political wiles sowed a revolution and transformed a nation.

As Hugo Chavez did during his 14-year presidency, Maduro has stoked confrontation, and shed tears.

While steering Venezuela through the trauma of Chavez's death, Maduro has pinned his move to the top on his beloved predecessor.

Yet there are doubts, even among die-hard Chavistas, about his ability to lead the nation.

At his swearing-in Friday evening as acting president, Maduro pledged his "most absolute loyalty" to Chavez.

Then he launched into another fiery, lionization-of-the-masses speech punctuated by tears, Chavez-style harangues and attacks on capitalist elites and the international press.

"This sash belongs to Hugo Chavez," he said, choked up, after assembly speaker Diosdado Cabello slid the presidential band over his head. Hours earlier at Chavez's state funeral before more than 30 foreign leaders, Maduro delivered a speech similarly strident in content and tone.

Maduro, 50, hasn't stopped idolizing the outsized leader who made him Venezuela's foreign minister, then vice president and, before going to Cuba for a final cancer surgery in December, publicly selected him presidential successor.

The National Electoral Council was expected on Saturday to set a date for a special presidential election as early as April.

While Maduro has filled the leadership void since Chavez disappeared from public view after his surgery, many Venezuelans find him bland and uninspiring. Some blame his lack of education, noting the former bus driver never went to college.

Others say it goes much further. After all, Brazil's hugely popular former president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, also started out as a worker and union leader with limited education.

"Nicolas Maduro does not embody Chavismo. He's not in touch with the people," said Carlos Borola, a 57-year-old member of a "colectivo," a radical pro-Chavez citizen's group.

"You can try to imitate the aggressivity of speech. You can try to imitate the conjuring of imaginary enemies. But you can't imitate Chavez's charisma," said Luis Vicente Leon, president of the respected Datanalisis polling firm.

"Chavez was a showman. Maduro is not," he said.

Many worry that Maduro may not be capable of managing the economic challenges of rising public debt, inflation above 20 percent, endemic crime responsible for the world's second-highest murder rate and nagging food shortages.

As Chavez's political heir, he had three months to establish himself as the face of Chavismo. It fell to him to announce Chavez's death, and he sweated through the hours-long walk Wednesday as the funeral cortege crawled through adoring crowds, some shouting "with Chavez and Maduro, the people are secure."

When Maduro was sworn in, boisterous lawmakers shouted "Chavez lives, Maduro carries on." The ceremony was mostly boycotted by the opposition, which called it illegitimate because Venezuela's constitution says the assembly speaker should be interim president.

For the socialist Chavista movement, Maduro's leftist credentials, at least, are unassailable.

He joined the now-defunct Socialist League at a young age, got some revolutionary schooling in Cuba and later, as Chavez's foreign minister, became close to Fidel and Raul Castro.

Chavez named him vice president after defeating opposition leader Henrique Capriles in the Oct. 7 election. Capriles won 45 percent of the vote, however, in Chavez's closest presidential re-election.

Once Chavez fell from sight as his health failed after Dec. 11 surgery, Maduro began wielding the huge state media machine built by his mentor, mindful that Chavez was unlikely to live much longer and that a snap presidential election was likely.

He began to crisscross the nation and show up on state TV presiding over the distribution of apartments and buses for university students.

As Chavez's death drew nearer, Maduro's rhetoric grew more incendiary, while criminal investigations of opposition leaders for alleged financial irregularities were opened. He launched blistering personal attacks against Capriles, accusing him of "conspiring against the homeland" with far-right U.S. putschists and fugitive bankers.

Maduro expelled two U.S. military attaches for allegedly trying to destabilize the nation, just hours before he announced Chavez's death Tuesday, surprising analysts who had thought a rapprochement between the two nations might be possible under the new leader.

"There was a sense that perhaps Maduro was a more pragmatic person, would be amenable to exchange ambassadors," said Cynthia Arnson, director of the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. "The statement he made Tuesday threw a huge bucket of cold water on those hopes."

Maduro had spoken the day before Thanksgiving with Washington's top diplomat for the hemisphere, Roberta Jacobson, about improving ties, especially in fighting drug trafficking. Top diplomats of the two nations met more frequently. But when it came time to honor a newly deceased Chavez, Washington's delegation consisted of two Democratic congressmen and the local embassy charge d'affaires.

Arnson speculated that Maduro might feel he needs to play to the more hard-line wing of his party.

On Friday night, Maduro's voice boomed as he said "the imperialist elites who govern the United States will need to learn to coexist with absolute respect with the insurrectionary peoples" of South America. "Nothing and no one will take away the reconquered independence with our Comandante Hugo Chavez at its front."

He did not mention how he might confront Venezuela's multiple ills, including crumbling infrastructure and diminishing production of oil, which accounts for more than 95 percent of its exports.

Capriles, meanwhile, fired back at Maduro, saying he had withheld criticism since Chavez's death out of respect but could no longer hold his tongue at what he considered a power grab by the new leader.

"I tell you clearly, Nicolas, I am not going to speak of the times you lied to the country, shamelessly," said the man the opposition is expected to choose as its presidential candidate. "The people have not voted for you, boy."

Leon, at Datanalisis, thinks Maduro will win the presidency if the election comes soon, but says his shortcomings will become more evident in a few months of grappling with a possible recession, another expected currency devaluation following a 30 percent cut in February, and public impatience with deteriorating public health care and services and rising crime.

For now, Maduro can benefit from having Chavez's embalmed body on public display and the late president's son-in-law, Science and Technology Minister Jorge Arreaza as his running mate, reminding Venezuelans of who chose him to lead the nation.

But people like Edgar Carvajal, a 50-year-old employee of the Chinese appliance company Haier, said people could lose patience.

"We've got to trust in Maduro, but he had better take care of all these shortages we're having and the high prices," Carvajal said Friday while standing in the long line of people waiting to view Chavez's body lying in state.

"If Maduro can't handle it, the people will show him the door," Carvajal said.


Associated Press writers Vivian Sequera, Eduardo Castillo and Jorge Rueda in Caracas and Luis Alonso in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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H&F at Turner and Slice & Pint at Everybody's | Food and More with ...

H&F at Turner Field

H&F Burger sign

H&F Burger sign

Chef Linton Hopkins confirmed this morning that Holeman & Finch will be serving up the famous H&F cheeseburger at three specially designed concession stands at Turner Field.

?For me, this is a story about being an Atlantan and cooking cheeseburgers in Atlanta for my team, the Atlanta Braves, while I drink Coca-Cola, which is my city?s beverage,? Hopkins said. ?I see it as a story about Atlanta first.?

Hopkins explained that he?s been on a fast track to get the stands ready to go by opening day, April 1, which he pointed out is April Fool?s Day.

The three stands will be located near left field, right field and behind home plate in areas that will be accessible to everyone in the park. Only three items will be available, the H&F cheeseburger and fries and Coca-Cola in the aluminum contour bottle.

?It?s our bun from our bakery, it?s the mustard, pickles and ketchup we make, and our special burger grind, at the same price, $12, as at Holeman and Finch, except there will be many more available,? Hopkins said.

?I grew up as a Braves fan. I was there when Hank Aaron hit 715. I just love baseball parks, they are like cathedrals to me. So I?m looking forward to being able to be there to watch a game, eat a cheeseburger, drink a Coke, and cheer my team. That?s classic American stuff.?

Slice & Pint to replace Everybody?s

The news of Everybody?s closing after 41 years was still a hot topic when word surfaced that Crawford Moran, the owner and brewmaster of 5 Seasons Brewing Co., was set to open a new brewery restaurant, Slice & Pint, in its place.

This morning, Moran was shaking his head over the source of the report, published yesterday on the Tomorrow?s News Today blog. But he confirmed that he will be renovating the Everybody?s space and opening a new pizza restaurant and beer bar concept in the next few months. He plans to install an on-site brewery as soon as possible after that, probably in another six months.

?My role and involvement with 5 Seasons is not changing in any way,? Moran stressed. ?I want to make that clear. I love 5 Seasons. I have the best partner [David Larkworthy] that anybody could ask for, and we have a great staff.?

As for Slice & Pint, Moran said the germ of the idea goes back to when he closed Dogwood Brewing Co. in 2004.

?This is a great opportunity in a great neighborhood and it will be fun,? Moran said. ?After Dogwood, I was planning on doing a pizza brewpub, then I joined with Dave at 5 Seasons. But the idea has always been in the back of my brain.?

Moran said he will be hiring a pizza maker and a brewer, and that handcrafted pizza and handcrafted beer will be central to the concept.

?We?re going to serve the four basic food groups,? Moran said. ?That?s beer, pizza, chocolate, and other stuff.?

In other Everybody?s-related news, Steady Hand Pour House, which was subleasing space from Everybody?s, will be closing, as well . Look for Steady Hand to restart their mobile coffee van, Rattletrap, in the interim.

? Bob Townsend, Food and More blog


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Saturday, March 9, 2013

SKoreans learn to live with NKorean war threats

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ? Nearly two decades ago, South Koreans cleared store shelves after a North Korean threat to turn Seoul into a "sea of fire" raised war panic. On Saturday, South Koreans expressed some fear but mostly apathy and restraint after a week of warlike rhetoric from the North, including another "sea of fire" vow.

Many South Koreans have grown up with a steady drumbeat of over-the-top threats from the North. So while they are aware of soaring tensions as North Korea reacts with anger to major U.S.-South Korean military drills that start Monday and a new round of U.N. sanctions over Pyongyang's recent third nuclear test, there's skepticism that anything serious will happen.

In downtown Seoul, people took photos and laughed as they walked below a giant electronic screen that flashed headlines about North Korea's war threats.

"The odds of dying from a North Korean bomb are probably smaller than being killed in a car accident. I'll spend my time doing better things than worrying about war," said Oh Jin-young, a South Korean office worker out for a walk with his son. "North Korea knows that war will be like committing suicide."

There is some fear, however.

South Koreans are well known for their ability to shake off North Korean threats. But the last several years have seen a rise of bloodshed. The deadly sinking of a South Korean warship ? which Pyongyang denies torpedoing, despite a Seoul-led international investigation that found the North at fault ? and an artillery attack on a front-line South Korean island in 2010 that killed four people have raised the specter of war among some South Koreans.

North Korea vowed this past week to ditch the armistice that ended the Korean War and scrap a nonaggression pact with South Korea. It has also threatened Washington with pre-emptive nuclear strikes.

People interviewed by The Associated Press in Pyongyang on Saturday expressed indignation over the U.N. sanctions.

"I cannot control my anger," said Sin Myong Sil. "Some countries can launch satellites, and one country can conduct nuclear tests freely, and they are not blamed, but only our country is prohibited from doing nuclear tests and launching satellites. This is absurd and illogical."

In South Korea, worry can be seen most clearly on the Internet, where some believe that South Koreans, world leaders in broadband access, are less afraid to express their honest, anonymous feelings.

A user identifying herself as the mother of two posted on a cooking website Saturday that she was so scared by North Korea's war threats that she took a day of leave from work on Friday.

"I'm most worried that I might not be able to run to my kids quickly enough if something happens," she wrote, prompting a flurry of replies meant to sooth her.

South Korean officials have tried to boost public confidence that the country can defend itself, issuing stern warnings of their own. Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said Friday that North Korea's government would "evaporate from the face of the Earth" if it ever used a nuclear weapon. Despite North Korea's threat of nuclear strikes on Washington, experts believe Pyongyang still lacks the technology to create a miniaturized warhead to place on a ballistic missile.

South Korea's new president, Park Geun-hye, told newly commissioned officers that any country ? a clear reference to North Korea ? would "bring destruction upon itself" if it focused on building nuclear arms instead of feeding its people.

"North Korea makes me slightly worried, but I'm too busy running my food stall to be bothered," said 52-year-old Seoul resident Shin Jeong-sook. "I don't hear customers speaking about North Korea, either. Don't North Koreans do this all the time?"

Bridget Hogan, a 24-year-old American who teaches English on South Korea's southern island of Jeju, said most of her Korean friends were calm. "It's probably not smart of me, but I'm not worried," Hogan, who is from California, said in Seoul, where she was meeting friends.

It's no surprise that South Koreans have grown accustomed to the state of confrontation that has lasted since the 1950-53 Korean War ended in a fragile cease-fire, but they may also be unconsciously avoiding the uncomfortable thought of being thrust into war, said Kwak Keum-joo, a psychology professor at Seoul National University.

"Being callous is their way of coping with threats because, otherwise, the fear would trouble them so much that they wouldn't be able to live their lives normally. Imagine what would happen if everyone panicked over every threat?" she said. "Perhaps we do need to be more alert now."

Even during the deadly artillery attack on Yeonpyeong island in 2010, people in other parts of the country remained generally calm and did not clear store shelves like they did in 1994, after the "sea of fire" threat, Kwak noted.

"We live with the tension, and we probably will until we die," said Park Sin-young, a 22-year-old college student. "What else can we do?"


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